Weather: Heatwave warning issued for port city of Karachi


By Muhammad Luqman
Pakistan Meteorological Department has issued a heatwave warning for the port city of Karachi from May 1.
An heatwave alert posted on the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s (PMD) website stated that during the first three days of May, maximum temperatures during the day will range from 40 to 42 degrees Celsius, and wind flows will be from the north or northwest.
Karachi and other southern parts of Pakistan had earlier experienced a severe heatwave in June 2015, temperatures as high as 49 °C (120 °F) . It caused the deaths of about 2,000 people from dehydration and heat stroke.The heat wave also claimed the lives of zoo animals and countless agricultural livestock. The event followed a separate heat wave in neighboring India that killed 2,500 people in May 2015.
The Met Office has also called on all stakeholders to take precautionary measures and remain updated on the situation.
According to meteorologists, because of the influence of the westerly system causing rains in Balochistan and the northern areas in April, Karachi had experienced south-west winds.
According to the Met Office, the metropolis will see maximum temperatures of 38-40°C on Monday.
Earlier towards the end of March, an official of the Met department had said the city was to face extreme weather conditions for the next three days when the mercury could soar up to 39°C due to the halt in sea breeze and change in wind direction.
The weather pundits have also predicted dry and hot weather in Punjab and other upper parts of Pakistan next week.


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